giovedì 27 agosto 2015

Hello dear friends!
This is what I have been doing in these past two months.

For "Il Vicolo" Italian shop and wine/coffee bar in Graz.
I loved doing these:

And these are my new drawings.
As I always say:
"It doesn't need to make any sense for it to be meaningful"

Yours, Deborah Gaia 

Ps: Click on the first drawing to see a bigger overview :-)

domenica 9 febbraio 2014

Little steps to brighten up...

This is what I created out of those almost 
120 - 20x20 - drawings on paper 
I painted, in a couple of days, last year this time:
Little boxes and Paper frames to contain them.

What was pure abstract 
gets a definite shape with a changeable content.
To satisfy an ever-changing nature, like mine.

Yours, Deborah Gaia